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Owner of recently removed serval cats north of Kamloops under medical care

(via B.C. SPCA)

The breeder from Little Fort who made headlines on Tuesday (July 2) for failing to take care of 13 serval cats, along with two dogs and another cat, is currently under medical care in hospital, according to the B.C. SPCA.

When the SPCA removed the 16 animals, officers offered to help the woman, who was breeding the serval cats, but help was refused, according to a statement from Marcie Moriarty, chief prevention and enforcement officer for the organization.

"The value of both human and animal lives is of the utmost importance to us and our officers did try to solicit help and support for the individual involved, which she refused," Moriarty writes in an email. "We continue to be concerned for the well-being of everyone involved in this situation."

She notes after the owners were provided with "opportunities to relieve the distress of their animals," the SPCA had no option but to remove them to provide "urgently needed care to relieve their suffering."

Due to privacy, Moriarty says more details will not be disclosed at this time.

The animals were taken off the property following "horrific" living conditions, according to Lorie Chortyk, the not-for-profit's general manager of community relations.

"We've been following up for a short time now; under the law...people have the opportunity to change the conditions. In this case, the living conditions were so horrible for these animals. These are wild, African cats, which in their wild environment are used to travelling large distances in a day," she told KamloopsMatters Tuesday.

The serval cats were being kept in two RVs, with no access to water, sunlight or an adequate diet. 

The B.C. SPCA will be recommending animal cruelty charges.

The cats and dogs have been moved to an undisclosed location for care.