The new drama teacher at Duchess Park Secondary, Jackie Friesen, is taking on a comedic challenge with co-director Shelby Meaney to present Game of Tiaras by Don Zolidis as the first production the high school has presented in many years. The show goes April 26 to 29 at 7 p.m.
The comedy is an after-school volunteer club project with 25 actors, 20 crew members and 10 teachers as part of the production team.
“The show is a comedy and is basically King Lear meets Game of Thrones meets the Disney the princesses try to kill each other to be the next queen,” Friesen explained.
Combining the gut-wrenching plot twists of Game of Thrones and the soul-numbing despair of a Shakespearean tragedy, this adaptation of King Lear will leave you dying with laughter as the body count mounts.
Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students. Door open at 6:30, curtain rises at 7 p.m.