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Special Olympics athletes roster set for BC Summer Games in Prince George

They'll compete in 10 different events here from July 10 to 13
In 2023 Adam Spokes lets it rip down the five-pin bowling alley at Black Diamond Lanes during practice with his team who competed in the Special Olympics BC Winter Games in Kamloops that year. Now Spokes is an athlete ambassador and a member of the basketball team training for the BC Special Olympics Summer Games held in Prince George from July 10 to 13, 2025.

With the Special Olympics BC Summer Games held in their hometown in July, Prince George athletes are already gearing up for the challenge.

There are 40 highly trained athletes competing in 10 sports during the July 10 to 13 event.

For the next six months local athletes will work hard to achieve peak results, knowing they will be representing Region 8 at the summer games.

Some are veteran athletes while others will compete at the provincial level for the very first time.

But for all of them, they know what it means to have the advantage of home court, bowling alley, track & field stadium, gym, pool, greens and grounds.

Here’s a list of the Prince George athletes competing during the BC Summer Games:

  • 10-Pin Bowling: Barbie Conway, Carol West, Linda Renner, Emilie Snyders, Debbie Bileck, Cindy Komoski, Michael Harris, Greg Cole, Greg Eveneshen, KC Westerman, Sean Demers, Timothy Jolicoeur
  • Track & Field:  Randella Willier, Marinka VanHage, Tyler LeFebvre, Spencer Rourke
  • Aquatics: Dallas Poole, Brooklyn Sherba, Carla Caputo, David Dunn
  • Bocce: Ruth Caldwell, Tara Chiasson, Issac Goudal, Adrian Rosen
  • Golf: Rita Cavenaile, Josh Pudney, Daniel Lafreniere
  • Powerlifting: Diana Bramble, Sam Russell, Leif Skuggedal
  • Rythmic Gymnastics: Darcie Muzychka, Michaela Samsonoff, Angela Hills
  • Basketball: Chase Caron, Josh Mehrassa, Matteus Cordeiro, Malachy Stewart, Audrey Nelson, Tegan Raines, Adam Spokes

Special Olympics competitive opportunities operate on a four-year cycle for both summer and winter sports. 2024 was a regional year for summer sports. Athletes that participated regularly and met the requirements in their summer sport programs had the opportunity to participate in a regional qualifier. The athletes that did well in last year’s regional qualifiers earned a spot on the training squad in their respective sport to compete in the 2025 Special Olympics BC Summer Games. 

Some of the athletes qualified in many sports and had to make the hard decision to pick just one in which to compete. 

From the BC Summer Games athletes hope to advance to be part of Team BC and compete in the Special Olympics 2026 National Summer Games being held in Lethbridge, which is the ultimate qualifier for the global competition, the Special Olympics, held in Santiago, Chile in 2027.