Shakespeare is back with a vengeance as the UNBC drama club offers up Macbeth Saturday and Sunday at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Canfor Theatre at the university.
"Of all the Shakespearean tragedies, this is the most fun," said Gareth Hopkins. "It's got witches and ghosts and lots of blood."
The drama club at the university was founded in 2006 and started out performing one-acts using overhead projectors for spot lights, Hopkins said.
Since that time members have developed their skills and there's real spot lights now.
"We've come a long way since then," laughed Hopkins.
The artistic director of the Conservatory of Music took note of this progress and recently approached the drama club he has supported since its inception.
"Jordan Dyck came to us and said he liked how we have improved our productions over the years and would like to be part of the next one," said Hopkins. "Jordan said he always wanted to write music for Shakespeare and will be bringing his musicians to perform during the show."
The founding members of the club including Hopkins, who will play Macbeth, Charlyn-Vicki Bulandus-Polard, who will play Lady Macbeth, and Reece Forster, who will play Macduff, will all be graduating this year and wanted to end their drama-club run with Shakespeare.
"This is the most ambitious production to date," said Hopkins. "And Char and I always wanted to do Macbeth."
"This semester we thought because we're graduating we could pursue our dream of doing Macbeth and the club is on board," said Bulandus-Polard.
Admission to the show is by donation. Doors open 30 minutes before the show.