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57 new citizens can now say, I am Canadian

Fifty seven new citizens from 24 countries took the oath at the citizenship ceremony held at Ecole Lac des Bois during Citizenship Week Thursday morning.

Fifty seven new citizens from 24 countries took the oath at the citizenship ceremony held at Ecole Lac des Bois during Citizenship Week Thursday morning.

"I have been coming to these ceremonies for many years and this is the most excited room I've ever been in," said Lois Boone, school district trustee, who was one of many dignitaries on hand to witness the swearing in procedure and offer words of welcome.

Students were able to watch as the 57 people taking part in the ceremony swore to be good citizens and abide by Canadian law.

Bruce MacDonald, originally from the United States, has lived in Canada for 36 years.

"I see lots of great things, places and people in Canada," said MacDonald. "I have my family here today and it's very rewarding to become a Canadian citizen. I am very enthusiastic about it and I am very pleased that I'm now a Canadian citizen."

The citizenship judge Anne Dillon offered these words.

"I want to challenge all of you to reflect on the responsibilities as well as the rights of citizenship so that you will be inspired to contribute your very best to your communities and to Canada," Dillon said. "Citizenship Week encourages all Canadians to think about what Canada represents and what it means to be a Canadian."

Both Persis Adong originally from Uganda and in Canada for the last nine years and Kewal Singh Klair, originally from India and in Canada for the last 36 years, are proud to be Canadians.

"I love this country," Adong said with tears in her eyes. "This is the land of opportunity. It was so moving to be able to sing the national anthem as a Canadian citizen. I'm just so happy I am a Canadian."

See more photos of the ceremony in Saturday's Citizen and go to for video.