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B.C. SPCA looking for name suggestions for stowaway cat that arrived in Prince George

She weighed in at just over three pounds when taken to a vet

After a six-year-old feline arrived in Prince George recently after coming from Shenzen, China (via Vancouver), surviving over three weeks in a 40-foot shipping container, the B.C. SPCA is looking for help naming the cat. 

Alex Schare, North Cariboo District SPCA animal centre services manager, says staff at a Prince George auto glass distribution company found the cat among pallets, as well as shredded cardboard and styrofoam, inside the container.

Animal control officers brought the cat to the Prince George branch. She remains in quarantine, to ensure she doesn't pose a threat to other animals and humans.

The SPCA will keep her isolated until two weeks after her vaccinations are done while also accepting donations for her care. As of 2:30 p.m. on April 9, $9,200 of the $2,760 goal has been raised.

They're now looking to the public for name suggestions until 10 a.m. on April 12. 

If you're interested in suggesting a name for the furry friend, you can visit the survey page.