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Blackburn park plans to be revealed Sunday

Blackburn is taking a new turn. The neighbourhood on the east side of the city is cruising towards new social infrastructure. A proposal got rolling last year to build a site for biking and skateboarding near the Blackburn Community Hall.
Blackburn All-Wheels Park 2
An artists conception as provided by Canadian Ramp Company of Ontario, designers of the RE/MAX all-wheels adventure park.

Blackburn is taking a new turn.

The neighbourhood on the east side of the city is cruising towards new social infrastructure. A proposal got rolling last year to build a site for biking and skateboarding near the Blackburn Community Hall. On Sunday, the public can see for the first time what it will look like.

"The entire purpose of the event is to unveil the design of the Re/Max Adventure Park," said Blackburn Community Association's Jamie Kranrod, one of the leading proponents of the project. "We have lots of free family fun activities and we can't wait to show you how the park is going to look."

The association is already more than halfway to the fundraising total they'll need to build the park. Kranrod said the target date for completion was summer of 2019, but they didn't have to wait to begin.

"Yes, we are aggressive, we want this to be completed on time so the community can get using this," she said. "We hope to have the groundwork and initial site-prep complete this summer."

Kranrod praised the City of Prince George for being a willing partner with this development initiative. The site is already home to municipal infrastructure that will get a big boost in use once the adventure park is complete. With little other recreation in the neighbourhood, the community has already expressed anticipation for the healthy, outdoor, off-street action to which the place will become home, especially for youth.

"We want to inform people what we've been doing and generate interest in becoming involved in making this happen. There is still a lot people can do to make this a successful project," Kranrod said. "You'll be right in the space where it will all happen."

The Brain Injured Group, with its interest in helmet safety, will conduct a bicycle obstacle course during the family event on Sunday. There will also be bouncy structures, a live deejay, hotdogs and other refreshments at the barbecue (by donation), vendors and information tables, a raffle for a bike-scooter-skateboard prize package, giveaways, a live auction, and a Pacific Western Transportation bus to stuff full of donations to the bottle drive component of the day (all are encouraged to bring cans and bottles to add to the total).

The city's MyPG program funded the grand unveiling event. It happens from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday at the Blackburn Community Hall.