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Budget meeting schedule set

City council will start the three-week-long budget-setting process on Feb. 8 in council chambers.

City council will start the three-week-long budget-setting process on Feb. 8 in council chambers.

That's when staff will present an overview of the budget proposed for 2010 and take a closer look at the administrative services department, which includes police and fire protection, two of the largest items in the city's operating budget.

The budget overview will be presented from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. and administrative services will be presented from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

The public will have a chance to make presentations to council on the budget at the start of each session.

Further budget meetings are scheduled for Feb. 10, when community services is up, Feb. 17, when development services will be discussed, Feb. 22, when council will look at corporate services, corporate management, service agreements and grants.

One last meeting is scheduled for Feb. 24 to deal with deferred items, the capital plan and outstanding issues.

The full budget will be posted on the city website,