Prince George and its partners are teaming up to keep the community safe during the COVID-19 crisis.
The city says there are numerous new initiatives geared towards improving safety, cleanliness and inclusion for all residents.
Crews with Prince George Fire and Rescue Services are conducting daily downtown alley patrols twice a day downtown in the mid-morning and evenings in alleys from First to Sixth Avenue as well as Victoria Street to Lower Patrica Boulevard.
The city adds, during these patrols, staff will look for combustible materials that can be a fire risk and also report any suspicious to RCMP via the City of Prince George's dispatch centre.
They have also partnered with DART to have daily and on-call clean up services in the downtown alleys.

Downtown Prince George is also participating to help downtown cleanliness by working with the Prince George Brain Injured Group (PGBIG) to expand the hours by the Downtown Clean Team.
The Community Partners Adress Homelessness (CPAH), alongside the city, is also providing the federal government's Reaching Home COVID-19 response fund.
During the first part of the funding allocated, six agencies in Prince George were given money to enhance service provision in a number of crucial areas including mental health supports, food security, neighbourhood cleanup as well as drop-in support.
The POUNDS Project Society in Prince George is monitoring the washrooms that were opened in the Canada Games Plaza across from the Prince George Conference and Civic Centre.
The washrooms are open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to noon and 7 p.m. to midnight.
The washrooms are plus the ones already located at two homeless service hub sites which are supported by the city.
The sites are located at 181 Quebec St. (access to storage, washroom and outreach services) and 144 George St. (storage, washroom, shower, laundry and outreach services).
BC Housing, PGNFC and AWAC have partnered with the City of Prince George for these locations.
The cities by-law staff are still helping with and responding to complaints which are related to COVID-19.
The work includes helping vulnerable members of the community about public health orders and the recommendations given.
"These initiatives are tailored to meet emerging needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and are in addition to many other ongoing efforts led by the city to ensure community-wide safety, cleanliness and inclusion," the city says in a release.
If you are interested in learning more about the city COVID-19 response, as well as ongoing initiatives to address community safety and cleanliness can visit the city website.