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Councillors move to increase their expense budgets

This comes after their economic development advocacy funding was reduced by $20,000 back in January
Prince George city council holds a public hearing on the evening of Wednesday, March 19.

Prince George city council passed the first three readings of a bylaw amendment that will increase mayor and councillors’ expense budgets at its Monday, March 24 meeting.

During budget deliberations back in January, Coun. Cori Ramsay successfully amended the budget to reduce council’s funding for economic development advocacy by $20,000 and redirecting those funds to their expense accounts.

That change will add $2,000 to each councillor’s individual expense account for a total of $10,000 each and an additional $4,000 to the mayor’s expense account.

Director of finance and IT services Kris Dalio said that because the expense limits are set by council’s remuneration bylaw, he can’t authorize additional expenses until it is amended.

The three readings of the bylaw amendment passed unanimously.