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Fall Fruit Fest focuses on harvesting Prince George apples

Bears are looking to fatten up for the winter, so the goal is to remove the temptation

The Fall Fruit Fest in Prince George is set for Sept. 6 to 8 as community groups come together to remove all ripe fruit from yards and use it in the best way possible.

“A number of us came together in early July to talk about the abundance of fruit in Prince George – about 50,000 pounds is what is it estimated at and we don’t want the same tag we had last year that said we were the No. 1 city for most bears killed,” said Terri McClymont, Recycling and Environmental Action Planning Society executive director.

“We want to look at how to protect the bears and also how to avoid the food waste and promote food security. There were 13 community groups that came together to create the Fall Fruit Fest giving residents an opportunity to harvest early.”

People are encouraged to look at taking their apples to create cider, juice or wine, McClymont added.

“On the festival weekend Cold Front and Slaughterhouse cideries will accept donations of apples to produce their cider,” she said. “You can also bring your apples to Hobby Brews and they will help you create your own cider, wine or juice. On Sept. 7 the Canning Circle is helping people create jams, jellies and juice from their apples. So you can bring them down and learn a new skill.”

There’s even an opportunity to learn how to make fruit leather during a workshop with UNBC's Outdoor Rec and Tourism university students on Sept. 8.

For the last nine years Northern Lights Estate Winery has been accepting apples no matter the condition as they will donate the ones not fit for people to a farm for their animals.

In exchange for the public’s contribution the winery will make a donation to the Northern Bear Awareness Society and Northern Lights Wildlife Society in Smithers that rehabilitates bears and takes in orphaned cubs.

“DART came on board to pick up apples for residents who have picked them and so there’s lots happening and you can also sign up to glean apples as well,” McClymont said.

“So help pick some apples. We have a number of seniors and people with disabilities who can’t pick their apples so we have a volunteer sign up form and we match volunteers with people who need their apples picked and the bonus is you can keep a portion of the apples you pick.”

REAPS will compost any of your rotten apples on Sept. 7.

There is a reason for the early harvesting time.

“What I find really interesting is that after the first week of September the bears go into a state where they are looking to fatten up for the winter,” McClymont explained.

“So this is when they are searching the neighbourhoods for food so any attractants left in residents’ yards and the more attractants these female bears find means they will produce a larger litter come spring as that’s all based on availability of food. So if we don’t want to continue having problem bears or habituated bears it’s best to keep your attractants down. We really need to do our part so we have less conflict and more food going into the bellies of residents.”

Here are the details on services, workshops and how to volunteer:

  • Call DART at 250-563-6311 by Friday, Sept. 6 to arrange pick up of already picked apples that will take place from Friday, Sept. 6 to Sunday, Sept. 8. The apples will be taken for donation to winery, farmers, Northern Bear Awareness Society and Northern Lights Wildlife Society.
  • On Saturday, Sept. 7 people are invited to join EAT Canning Circle at South Fort George Family Resource Centre, 1200 La Salle Avenue, to process apples from 1:30 to 7:30 p.m.
  • On Sunday, Sept. 8 people are invited to join in making fruit leather with Outdoor Rec and Tourism university students from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to make fruit leather and apple chips at the UNBC NUSC Space. To register for this event visit
  • Sign up to volunteer to glean apples (receive some of your pickings) With EAT Gleaning Abundance Program at www.gleanapplesvolunteers
  • For more information call 259-561-7327 or email [email protected]