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Fire crews gain upper hand on Tembec blaze

Fire crews have the blazes under control at the Tembec pulp mill, just outside of Chetwynd. Late Wednesday afternoon the mill caught fire, followed by several product piles, said Dawson Creek Fire Chief Gordon "Shorty" Smith.

Fire crews have the blazes under control at the Tembec pulp mill, just outside of Chetwynd.

Late Wednesday afternoon the mill caught fire, followed by several product piles, said Dawson Creek Fire Chief Gordon "Shorty" Smith.

While the building was extinguished fairly early, the chip and log piles continues to burn for several days.

Crews hoped to have the flames extinguished by Friday evening, but a change in wind caused the fire to spread, said Smith.

Fire crews from Fort St. John and Dawson Creek are under contract to provide services to the mill, meaning Tembec will be picking up the cost of the fire crews.

See Monday's Citizen for more.