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Five for Friday: Best haunted houses in Prince George

If you like to get scared, you've come to the right place

Halloween is just five days away, so we thought we'd share some great haunted houses in Prince George to check out.

Like they say, if you've got it, haunt it. 

Warning: Some of these pictures are frightening and graphic. If you are easily scared, we wanted you to know in advance. If you especially don't like clowns, don't scroll through the photo gallery. 

6032 Kim Pl.

This house is well done, and a little frightening at the same time. But, if Halloween is truly your favourite holiday, don't miss this one. Some of the outdoor decor is still being set up but it's worth driving by. (It's also on a dead end and a dark road, so you've been warned.)

1302 Irwin St.

This location has lots to be spooked over. Tons of Rest in Peace and Night Crawler signs (we don't know about you, but that freaks us right out). Spiders, spider webs, a dead-looking bloody ghost of some kind (it's going to give us nightmares). Of course, there are pumpkins. 

There is a sign that says, "Enter If You Dare," so you're doing this at your own risk (and you can't blame us). 

358 Ogilvie St. South

This house is a little more toned down, which is great for those who prefer not to have a heart attack (you can't blame us for that, either). 

There are also pumpkins of the inflatable kind, a blue lit-up window with three pumpkins staring right at you, and gravestones. 

What looks to be a real person or figurine with a knife is standing in the doorway to the house. You may want to be cautious approaching him/her, because you could be in for a scare. 

3144 Seton Cres.

This location looks like a normal Halloween display by day, but at night is when it really comes alive. 

Tombstones, spiders, angry trees, skulls, ghosts, axes, chains, you name it. It's most likely there in front of you or beside you, but invisible. 

It's your choice if you want to get out of your car or not to get a closer look. But remember, you're doing it at your own risk. 

3651 Westwood Dr.

There is A LOT to see at this house. 

Skulls galore, lit-up pumpkins, creepy eyeballs, a keep-out sign on the door (written in blood), ghosts, spiders.

There's more, but we're scared. So, you'll have to go see this one on your own, if you dare.

Round up your ghoulfriends or guy friends and creep it real! 

Did we miss a haunted house? Let us know in the comments!