Prince George Community Radio (93.1 CFIS-FM) will be hosting a discussion about the future of Moore’s Meadow park on Thursday, starting at 9 a.m.
An online petition with 869 signatures, as of Wednesday morning, is calling on the City of Prince George to work with owners of a 28-acre parcel of land for sale at the north end of the park to preserve the park.
“A public engagement survey completed by UNBC students on April 5, 2023 shows that 75 (per cent) of the people who responded come to Moore’s Meadow Park because they enjoy viewing wildlife,” a statement released by the radio discussion said. “The survey concluded that this park is a valuable asset to Prince George’s natural reputation, and it is essential to protect and preserve it for future generations.”
Moore's Meadow Nature Park is an off-leash dog park used year-round by a wide range of users.