B.C. Green Party leader Jane Sterk will be in Prince George July 11 and 12 meeting with the mayor, city councilors, and Chamber of Commerce.
The city is one of the stops on her Paddle for the Peace journey. Quesnel, Williams Lake, Smithers, Dawson Creek, and Fort St. John are come of the other communities that will welcome Sterk.
Paddle for the Peace is a protest for the proposed building of the Site C Dam. The B.C. Green Party is opposed to Site C and is proud to take part in the fifth annual Paddle for Peace.
The dam would flood about 5,340 hectares of land, some of which is high-quality agricultural land. Also, 100 kilometres of river valley bottom would be impacted.
"We believe it is important to get out into the communities and hear from the people that live there. Hearing what they have to say about the needs of their community will help us better shape out policy to reflect those needs and provide appropriate solutions," said Sterk.