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HandyDart needs more rides and shorter wait times

HandyDART users need more availability of rides and want shorter wait times, according to a rider survey.

HandyDART users need more availability of rides and want shorter wait times, according to a rider survey.

The BC Seniors Advocate brought a province-wide survey to almost 7,500 users of HandyDART and although 91 per cent were satisfied with the service, about a third of those participating in the survey said it's only moderately meeting transportation needs or not at all meeting their transportation needs.

"Obviously there's good news here," said Isobel Mackenzie, seniors advocate. "People are telling us that across many aspects of this service, things are positive, however we are still concerned that there are a significant number of seniors whose transportation needs are not being met."

Improvements are needed when booking rides in advance, ride availability and wait times for rides.

"The cost of the service is another area that we need to look closely at," said Mackenzie. "While 83 per cent of respondents told us cost is not an issue, we have to remember that some of our lowest income seniors rely heavily on this service and they clearly are telling us if it cost less, they would use it more."

The survey says 15 per cent of users have an income of less than $10,000 per year and 53 per cent have an income of less than $20,000.

HandyDART is a door-to-door service provided by TransLink, BC Transit and service providers, for passengers with disabilities who are unable to use conventional public transit without help. About 78 per cent of users are 65 and older. In 2016, 2.37 million rides were provided. The Lower Mainland users took 51 per cent of those rides.

The questions for the survey were developed through a consultation process that included users of HandyDART, service funders, as well as front-line staff.

Highlights from the survey include:

Almost 80 per cent of HandyDART clients are able to book a roundtrip always or most of the time

26 per cent said they were rarely or never able to get a ride when placed on standby

28 per cent of riders whose annual income is less than $10,000 said they would use HandyDART more often if it cost less

38 per cent are somewhat or not at all familiar with no-show or cancellation policies - only 75 per cent of BC Transit clients and 69 per cent of Translink clients agree they know how to provide feedback about services

60 per cent of clients report they always reach appointments on time - less than 50 per cent report they are always picked up within the 30-minute window.

The full HandyDART survey report can be viewed at