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How many B.C. Hydro staff does it take to change a lightbulb?

College Heights resident Henry Jensen wants to know why drivers on Domano Boulevard are being left in the dark. Nine streetlights on Domano Boulevard between College Heights secondary school and Highway 16 have been out since late 2010, Jensen said.

College Heights resident Henry Jensen wants to know why drivers on Domano Boulevard are being left in the dark.

Nine streetlights on Domano Boulevard between College Heights secondary school and Highway 16 have been out since late 2010, Jensen said.

"There is a bus stop right there and it's in the dark. There is a crosswalk there, too," Jensen said. "At the entrance to the mall if you drive behind the Toronto Dominion Bank there, lots of times there is people walking there and it's dark. There is no sidewalk there for them, either."

Jensen said he's concerned about the safety of drivers and pedestrians in the area.

He first called the city to report the lights out on Jan. 17, then again on Jan. 28 and Feb. 14.

"I drive that route every day. They're still out," he said.

City transportation manager Al Clark said the city is aware of the problem, but can't do anything about it.

"I know there is two sets of lights there. The ones on steel poles are the city's, and the rest on [wood] poles are BC Hydro's. Those are the ones that are the problem," Clark said. "We've had many calls for service, and we've forwarded the calls to BC Hydro. It's their poles, so they're the ones that have to fix them."

BC Hydro spokesman Bob Gammer said the utility's streetlights are managed by the Streetlight Information Management (SLIM) system based in Vancouver.

Municipalities file information about burnt out streetlights with SLIM, then SLIM issues a work order to have the lights replaced.

"Typically they do that in 10 business days of receiving the order on SLIM," Gammer said. "Right now with the people we've checked with at SLIM, they're showing only one streetlight out. The light we do have in the system has been in the system for four weeks. We do try to do those in 10 business days, but it depends on priorities like dealing with power outages."

Gammer said B.C. Hydro will issue a work order for the other lights, once it receives a notification from the city.

"We really do rely on our customers and residents to call these in to the city."

As of Tuesday evening nine lights - including both B.C. Hydro and city poles - were still out in the area.