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ICBC, RCMP warn of tough penalties for distracted drivers

Fines for the offence start at $368 fine plus four driver penalty points ($214) for a total of $582

Police are in the midst of a month-long education and enforcement campaign to combat distracted driving.

During 2017-21, it was a factor in nearly 40 per cent of police-reported car crash injuries and contributed to 77 deaths in B.C. each year, according to ICBC. In North Central B.C., the count was an average of 16 deaths each year.

Police have ramped up enforcement of distracted driving laws and volunteers have been conducting Cell Watch deployments to remind drivers to take a break from their phone while driving.

Not only is distracted driving dangerous, but the costs can add up quickly if you're caught.

A ticket for the offence yields a $368 fine plus four driver penalty points ($214) for a total of $582. Drivers with two convictions in a three-year period will face as much as $2,000 in fines and penalties, over and above any vehicle insurance premiums.

Drivers in the graduated licensing program could be prohibited from driving for 3-8 months on top of other penalties.

"Safer roads start with each of us making the decision to drive distraction-free. That means putting your phone on do not disturb, programming your GPS before you start driving or leaving your phone in the glove box if you can't avoid the temptation," ICBC public affairs vice president Lindsay Matthews says. 

"By driving with a clear mind and focused attention, you're helping to keep yourself and everyone around you safe on the road.

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