June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Month and the Prince George Community Response Network will be the at the Prince George Farmers’ Market on Saturday, June 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. to provide information on the many types of abuse some elders can endure.
In 2006 the United Nations declared June 15 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day to help bring attention to the abuse and neglect of seniors and while elder abuse goes unreported the Ministry of Health reports that as much as 10 per cent of BC elders will experience some form of abuse in their later years and that one in 12 seniors will experience financial abuse which is usually caused by close family members or trusted friends.
Prince George Mayor Lyn Hall will raise the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day flag on June 15 at 10 a.m. and everyone is encouraged to wear purple and attend the event.
Here are some pointers on what to do if elder abused is suspected:
If you suspect elder abuse, turn your concerns over to the professionals and let them investigate.
Do not confront a suspected abuser yourself.
You do not need to prove abuse is occurring. It is up to the professionals to determine this.
Who to call
Immediate danger: 911
BC information line: 211
Adult Protection Line: 250-565-7414
BC Seniors Abuse and Information Line (S.A.I.L).: 1- 604-437-1940, 1-866-437-1940 or https://seniorsfirstbc.ca/
Community Policing: 250-561-3366
Community Response Network: 778-349-2291
PG Council of Seniors: 250-564-9100
BC Coalition to Eliminate Abuse of Seniors: www.bcceas.ca
Public Guardian & Trustee of BC: 1-800-663-7867 or www.trustee.bc.ca
Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: www.cnpea.ca
Older Adult Knowledge Network: www.oak-net.org
BC Institute Against Family Violence: www.bcifv.org
Information on seniors rights and elder law:
Prince George Community Legal Clinic: 250-645-5519
Seniors First BC: https://seniorsfirstbc.ca/programs/legal-programs/
Canadian Centre for Elder Law Studies: 1-604-822-0633 or www.ccels.ca
Dial-A-Law: 1-800-565-5297 or www.cba.org/bc