My name is Dave Fuller and I am running for city council for the first time.
Prince George has been home to me since 1970. I have a 30-year history of community involvement including creating jobs through my businesses, of being involved in public campaigns to clean up the air and water, of working with the less fortunate, and supporting community organizations as a board member, and coach for adults and children alike.
Currently as a business coach I works to help CEOs of big and small businesses as well as non-profits to get their organizations running effectively to benefit their stakeholders.
My platform is grounded in three areas.
People - We need to do a better job of supporting those groups and individuals in our community that promote the city. The truth is that Prince George is really a best kept secret in most of the province. It's that place up north. Without the ability to hire good talent that is going to stay in Prince George, our companies are limited.
There are neighborhoods, like the Hart and Pineview, where people are paying taxes but feel neglected, we need to do a better job of servicing them with bus service, sidewalks and RCMP support.
We need to get serious about addressing the homelessness and opioid crisis and safety issues in the downtown core because talking about fixing it just isn't cutting it with most people working downtown.
The environment - We have a problem with the sewage treatment plants that are stinking up Lower College Heights. Let's fix it.
Also, let's start supporting the forest industry and reduce our dependence on plastic bags and straws.
Economics - We need to make good decisions when it comes to using taxpayers' money. Paying overtime for salaried employees doesn't make sense.
I believe that the city needs to play an important role in ensuring that there is economic diversity. That we need to ensure that Prince George is once again known as a community that people want to come to work in. To raise their families, buy homes and settle down.
If elected I will use skills to ensure that the interests of the taxpayers and all parties interested in making Prince George a better community are considered
Please vote for me Dave Fuller to city council on Oct. 20.