My name is Kyle Sampson and I ask for your support in my candidacy for city council.
I am a longtime resident of Prince George. I volunteer in our community and I do business in our community. As a young professional, I look at Prince George being my home for many years to come. If elected, I will be looking ahead to the future of our city but not staying idle the important issues of today.
I believe a city council should reflect the entire makeup of a community. I will bring a fresh outlook and new perspective around to the council table. I offer passion, dedication, and different experiences to the council table mix.
My approach will be focused on proactively seeking ways to plan for our communities sustainable future and further development, but also on our people and their changing needs.
People, sustainability and community development are my key principles.
If elected, some areas I will focus on include:
Maintaining a competitive and fair tax regime;
Retaining our aging population by providing for them through initiatives like seniors housing, accessibility, affordability, and more;
Actively seeking investment and partnership in our community to further expand our industry base, and to not fall behind other comparable markets;
Bringing balance to our aging demographics by attracting young families, professionals, and students to relocate to Prince George... and stay.
I am certainly not running as a candidate with all the answers to every issue - but I am 100 per cent committed to listening, finding the answers, and working toward a solution to the issues we face as a city.
If you have any further questions about me or my platform, please reach out via my website,
I ask for your support in my candidacy for city council.
Vote Sampson on Oct. 20. Thank you!