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Minor injuries to two women following Prince George bear attack

An investigation is ongoing for the logging road incident
Bear WEB
A wild Black Bear. (via File photo)

Two women suffered minor injuries after they were attacked by a bear in Prince George on Tuesday (June 16). 

Chris Doyle, Deputy chief in charge of provincial operations for the B.C. Conservation Officer Service (BCCOS), said the attack took place along a logging road northwest of the city. 

"We received the call to our RAPP line shortly after 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon," he said during news conference this morning (June 17).

Doyle says both victims were taken to the hospital to be treated for minor injuries. 

“Our predator attack team is in the area investigating that incident," added Doyle. 

The BCCOS is currently working on the file, adding it'll have more information on the incident later today.

This was the third known bear incident in Prince George within the past week.

- with files from Sarita Patel, Castanet