City council will be considering the approval of a new, 41 ha. subdivision in the Westgate area tonight.
Belco Developments Ltd. is seeking council's okay to rezone the area, which is primarily made up of undeveloped green space. The proposed development would link Westgate Avenue with St. Lawrence Avenue.
The 10-year build plan calls for 203 lots for single-family houses, 2.1 ha. for manufactured homes and 3.56 ha. of townhouses and apartment-style condos.
The subdivision is the sixth and final phase of the Ospika South Neigbourhood Plan.
In a report to council, city staff supported the proposal - with two caveats.
"...internal departments have expressed concerns regarding the servicing capabilities in the
area. The department, therefore, recommends that final reading of this application be withheld until the applicant has provided a servicing study and storm water management plan for the subject properties in a form and content that is to the satisfaction of administration," city planner Deanna Wasnik wrote in her report. "Furthermore, concerns regarding the amount of traffic that will result from the newly-created lots and need for a
traffic impact study were raised by internal departments and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure."
Traffic concerns were also raised by area residents Diana and Matt Duchscherer in a letter to council.
The Duchscherers raised concerns about the impact of extra traffic on Westmount Drive and the risk to students from neighbouring Immaculate Conception Catholic School.
"[We're] concerned that having St. Lawrence Avenue connect with both Westgate Avenue and Westmount Drive would cause more people to speed through the neighbourhood as a shortcut over the existing Marleau/Bear Road connection between Westgate and College Heights," they wrote. "[We'd] like to voice my opinion against the whole development."
Council will consider the rezoning tonight during its regular meeting at City Hall, which starts at 7 p.m.