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More samples

Air quality a priority in Millar Addition

The B.C. Ministry of Environment is planning to take significantly more air samples than were collected in the summer of 2008 to determine if there are high formaldehyde levels in the Millar Addition neighbourhood.

The plan is to take 54 samples for aldehydes and ketones, which include formaldehyde. Two samples each will be collected over 27 separate sampling days during poor air quality periods, show the first details to be revealed by the province's about its retesting plan.

In 2008, about a half a dozen samples from two separate sampling days were tested for aldehydes and ketones, according to a report produced by the consulting firm, Ontario-based Ortech Environmental. Results extrapolated from the Ortech data showed that two samples significantly exceeded the province's acceptable levels for formaldehyde.

The Ministry of Environment information showed that a sample taken on Aug. 6, 2008 at Patricia Boulevard hit a one-hour average of nearly 1,200 micrograms per cubic metre, and a sample at 17th Avenue hit more than 900 micrograms per cubic metre. That's well above the province's acceptable level of 65 micrograms per cubic metre.

Formaldehyde is considered toxic at high levels.