Fans of the Nechako branch of the Prince George Public Library are invited to enjoy the benefits as they open the doors on Wednesday as part of Phase 3.
During this part of the reopening phase guests can enjoy limited browsing, limited computer access and pickup service for holds.
New hours for now are Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and the branch will be closed Saturday and Sunday.
Guests at the library will notice all forms of seating has been removed and everyone is asked to keep their visits brief.
There is no access to children's computers or the multi-purpose room at this time.
The number of computers available have been reduced to adhere to physical distancing and when people are seeking technical assistance, staff are not able to handle anyone's devices or personal items as a precaution during the coronavirus pandemic.
There is no date set for the reopening of the Bob Harkins branch of the library located downtown as it is still undergoing construction with the hope of opening its doors before the end of the month.
The library continues to offer several virtual programs each week, reference and customer service via phone and email, as well as digital collections and databases.
For more information visit