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New North director

Prince George now has a voice sitting on B.C. Hydro's board of directors.

Prince George now has a voice sitting on B.C. Hydro's board of directors.

Janine North will be taking on this position on the board of the provincial Crown corporation in addition to her role as the chief executive officer of the Northern Development Initiative Trust.

Directors are appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. It is a director's responsibility to oversee conduct of business, supervise management and ensure all major issues affecting the business affairs of the corporation are given proper consideration, according to B.C. Hydro's Website.

North has also been a senior advisor to the B.C. Forest Safety Council, as well as a management consultant to resource industry companies.

North is a Governor on the B.C. Business Council, as well as serving on the Association for Mineral Exploration B.C. board of directors.