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NH gives tips for preventing outbreak this cold and flu season

Northern Health is asking for continued cooperation from visitors to hospitals and other health care facilities during the winter months - the prime season for cold and flu - to lessen the chances of an "outbreak" being declared.

Northern Health is asking for continued cooperation from visitors to hospitals and other health care facilities during the winter months - the prime season for cold and flu - to lessen the chances of an "outbreak" being declared.

"As illnesses circulate in the general community, it becomes almost inevitable that long-term care residents, hospital patients and staff in some facilities will come down with a contagious virus at some point," said acting chief medical health officer Dr. Ronald Chapman. "We need the help of visitors to these facilities in limiting the spread of these illnesses."

During the winter, the threshold at which a medical health officer may declare an 'outbreak' and impose such restrictions is quite low - in fact, it can take as few as two cases within a short time to prompt an increased focus on hand-washing, restrictions on visitors to an affected facility, and staff movement between facilities.

Ways to help prevent the spread of illness in the community and to health facilities include:

- Staying at home if you are not feeling well.

- Not returning to work or school until you are feeling well and your symptoms have resolved. In the case of influenza wait 24 hours after you are free of fever.

- Wash your hands often, and well. Use warm water and soap, and scrub for at least 20 seconds. Always wash your hands after coughing or blowing your nose, after using the washroom, before eating or preparing food, and after helping someone who is ill, such as an ill child.