Northern Health (NH) is awarding 22 grants totalling $120,000 to northern community organizations to promote health and well-being through projects and initiatives.
The Imagine grants, which include five categories, have been distributed across Northern Health to support lasting improvements to residents living, working, learning and playing across the North, said Julie Kerr, NH director of population health.
Allocation of grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are in five categories -- Healthy Eating, Healthy Living (HEAL); Heal for Your Heart; Injury Prevention, and Healthy Minds, Healthy Youth. Road Health, the fifth category, offers the largest allocations up to $5,000.
Prince George is approved for six grants in the lesser allocations which include Carney Hill Neighbourhood Centre (HEAL), Immigrant & Multicultural Services Society (HEAL), Prince George Farmer's Market (Heal for Heart) and Intersect for a youth project (Healthy Minds, Healthy Youth.)
McBride received two school allocations for farm-to-school salad bar programs as well as a fruit trees and orchards project.
Quesnel's two allocations are for the Quesnel Millionaires hockey team to do school visits (HEAL) and a junior farmer program.
Mackenzie's programs will involve feeding families for health and a youth international night program.
Vanderhoof will offer three programs on gardening, injury prevention and healthy eating.
Wells will have a community garden program called Apples of the Earth, while Takla Landing will present a seniors fall-prevention program and a project called Honouring Our Health.
Burns Lake will do Healthy Spirits and injury prevention, while the Fort St. James breakfast committee will do screening clinics for homeless and low-income people.
Road Health grants of up to $5,000 are awarded to B.C.'s Wildlife Collision Prevention Program to promote public awareness, Prince George Brain Injured Group on riding safety, Prince George Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma In Youth (PARTY), UNBC in identifying hot spots for wildlife collisions and North District RCMP for a rollover simulator project.
For more information on Imagine grants visit, or