After Prince George city council passed second reading of the new Official Community Plan at its Feb. 24 meeting, it has now scheduled a public hearing on it at a special meeting taking place on Wednesday, March 19.
Municipalities in BC are required by provincial legislation to have an Official Community Plan outlining the long-term vision for its growth and development.
It was said by city staff at the Feb. 24 council meeting that Prince George must have its revised OCP done by the end of the year and a review must be complete within two years after that.
City staff were first directed to start work on revising the OCP in September 2023.
At the Feb. 24 meeting, a minority of council members were unsuccessful in convincing their colleagues to slow down the adoption of the OCP to allow for additional public consultation on top of what was already held last year.
This was partially because once a public hearing is held, the OCP cannot be amended without another public hearing being held.
The councillors against that idea said that various interest groups and other residents would have the chance to speak their mind at the public hearing. They also argued that the OCP is a living document and requires amendments by design.
However, if major changes are needed to the OCP before it is submitted for third and fourth readings by council, another public hearing will be required.
The special meeting starts at 7 p.m. on March 19 in council chambers on the second floor of Prince George City Hall at 1100 Patricia Boulevard.
More information on the proposed OCP, including a text of the draft and a summary of public consultation thus far, can be found online at