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Pidherny slated for thinning project

Effort to reduce wildfire risk to start in December and run through to spring next year
The area enclosed by the red line in the Pidherny Recreation Site will be thinned starting in December to prevent a major forest fire

A portion of the Pidherny Recreation Site is slated for a thinnng project to reduce the risk of wildfires, the Ministry of Forests said Thursday.

Trails may be temporarily closed during the course of this project. Signage will be posted on bulletin boards and at trailheads.

"In addition to making it easier for firefighters to defend the community against future wildfires, this project will create a critical fuel break around emergency communication infrastructure such as fire repeaters, which are used to enhance radio communications for firefighters in areas with poor coverage," the ministry said in a statement.

Other factors such as the long-term health and resiliency of the forests and recreational use were all considered when planning for this project.