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Plaid Friday is coming back to downtown Prince George

The downtown Prince George celebration will see contests, prizes and more
Colleen Van Mook and Eoin Foley of Downtown Prince George get their plaid on for Plaid Friday in 2019.

The annual event takes place on Friday, Nov. 25 and will see a celebration of downtown businesses.

Plaid Friday is a fun way to encourage Prince George residents and visitors to spend their dollars at our many fabulous downtown businesses, to have some fun wearing plaid and to kick off the holiday shopping and celebrating season.

Plaid represents the weaving of the individual threads of small businesses together to create a strong fabric that celebrates the diversity and creativity of independent businesses. 

Everyone will be encouraged to wear Plaid and visit the over 80 shops and special services, 34 cafes and restaurants that make up downtown Prince George.

So, what exactly is happening on Plaid Friday?

Downtown Specials, Sales and Contests

Show your Plaid Friday spirit and support downtown businesses all day long. Plaid enthusiasts might just find some great specials, discounts, and prizes at participating downtown businesses.

The Plaid Patrol

From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. look for some extra fun. During that time if you get caught by the PLAID PATROL wearing plaid, you may find yourself with some cool plaid swag or some awesome LOVEBUCKS to spend at your favourite downtown business. While you are supporting our downtown, you can enjoy some festive music and enter to win one of our great ‘Stay Downtown’ packages.

Plaid Friday Tree of Lights Event

3 p.m. TO 7 p.m. @ Wood Innovation Square Join the fun with the United Way of Northern BC, as they kick off the 4 th Annual Tree of Lights Campaign at Wood Innovation Square. (On 5th Avenue between George & Dominion Streets) This family fun event will add to your Plaid Friday experience in Downtown Prince George.

Just Wear Plaid and Share

Everyone loves to wear plaid, so ‘get your plaid on’ with your friends, family, or colleagues. Follow downtown Prince George on Facebook and Instagram on Plaid Friday and learn how you might be eligible to win a LUNCH for SIX at your favourite downtown restaurant.