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Planned Prince George power outage tonight rescheduled, another cancelled

Originally set for 10 p.m. to 4 a.m., the outage will now begin an hour later at 11 p.m. and last until 5 a.m.
Some parts of Prince George will be without electricity Thursday night and into Friday morning.

A power outage planned for some parts of Prince George overnight has been rescheduled by an hour.

Originally set for Thursday, Nov. 21 from 10 p.m. to Friday, Nov. 22 at 4 a.m., the outage will now begin an hour later at 11 p.m. Thursday until 5 a.m. Friday.

The affected neighbourhoods include, between 1st to 13th Avenue: Abbott Crescent, Aitken, Aleza, Andres, Arnett, Ash, Bednesti, Beech, Birch, Blair, Borden, Bowser, Buchanan, Bying, Campbell, Cedar, Central, Christenson, Clapperton, Connaught, Cuddie, Davie, Devonshire, Diefenbaker, Dogwood, Elm, Emmet, Enemark, Farrell, Ferry, Fir, Ford, Gordon, Gorse, Hamilton, Harper, Hazelton, Hemlock, Hollandia, Hopkins, Houston, Inez, Ingledew, Inlander, King, Kingston, Kenwood, Kaslo, Jarvis, Juniper, Johnson, Jasper, Landsdowne and Lonsdale.

The outage is part of planned maintenance work on the electrical equipment. Affected residents are advised by BC Hydro to prepare for the temporary disruption.

Another outage, scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21 from 10 p.m. to Friday, Nov. 22 at 4 a.m. has been cancelled. This was to affect street between 1st and 11th Ave, including Alward, Burden, Cassiar, Edmonton, Laurier, McBride, Melville, Ross, Tofield, Vancouver, Victoria, Wainwright, Watrous and Winnipeg.

Residents in affected areas were contacted about the planned outages, BC Hydro states.

Environment Canada's forecast for Thursday had a low of -12C with cloudy conditions. For Friday, expect a high of -9C with light snow.

BC Hydro offers advice for residents to deal with both planned and unplanned outages.

Before an outage

  • Update your contact information: Log into your account profile at or call 1-800-224-9376 to ensure we have your current phone number.
  • Create a preparedness plan: Develop a plan for your household and share it with everyone. Visit for guidance.
  • Check emergency equipment: Test flashlights, radios, generators, and other emergency tools to ensure they’re in working order.
  • Use surge protectors: Protect electronic devices like computers, printers, and TVs from power surges.
  • Compile a list of important local numbers: Include emergency contacts for police, fire, poison control, and BC Hydro outage reporting (1-800-224-9376 or *49376 on your mobile).
  • Address special needs: If you or someone in your home relies on life-supporting equipment, ensure you have a backup power plan, or consider moving to a family member's home with power, or to a local hospital if necessary.

During an outage

  • Assess the situation: Determine if the outage is limited to your home or if your neighbours are affected. If it's just your home, check your circuit breaker. If it's widespread, call BC Hydro to report the outage.
  • Stay away from downed power lines: If you see a downed power line, assume it's live. Stay at least 10 meters away (the length of a bus) and call 911 immediately. Never attempt to move objects around the line.
  • Turn off appliances: Turn off all appliances, especially heat-generating ones, to prevent fires and other hazards when the power returns.
  • Avoid indoor cooking devices: Never use camp stoves, barbecues, or heaters indoors, as they can produce dangerous carbon monoxide.
  • Don’t connect a portable generator to your home’s electrical system: This can endanger utility workers and your neighbours.
  • Keep one light on inside and outside: The inside light will help you see, and the outside light lets our crews know when the power is restored.
  • Keep fridge and freezer doors closed: Minimize opening the fridge to preserve food. For deep freezers, insulate with blankets or quilts to keep food frozen longer. Use ice or coolers to keep refrigerated food safe.

Emergency kit essentials

  • Prepare an emergency kit and store it in an easily accessible place. Make sure it includes:
  • Flashlights (avoid candles due to fire risk)
  • Hand-cranked or battery-powered radio and clock
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit, including prescription medicine
  • Non-perishable, ready-to-eat foods
  • Bottled water (three-day supply of 2 liters per person per day)
  • Manual can opener
  • Warm clothing and blankets
  • Supplies for special needs and pets
  • Extra house and car keys
  • Cash in small denominations
  • Entertainment like games, cards, or books
  • A copy of your preparedness plan

After an outage:

  • Give the system time to stabilize: After power is restored, wait 10-15 minutes before reconnecting all appliances.
  • Check food safety: Ensure your refrigerator and freezer are functioning, and dispose of any food that may have spoiled.
  • Reset clocks and alarms: Don’t forget to reset any timers or automatic systems that were affected by the outage.
  • Restock your emergency kit: Replace any items used during the outage, and check that all supplies are up to date.

For real-time updates on outages, visit, follow BC Hydro on Twitter, or call 1-800-224-9376 or *49376 from your mobile device.