The subject of polygamy is hitting Prince George next week as the topic of a free forum.
Sponsored by the Canadian Federation of University Women - Prince George, the annual winter forum, Polygamy: Right or Wrong, is on Feb. 26 from 9:30 a.m. to noon in the Power of Friendship Hall at the Native Friendship Centre, 1600 Third Ave.
Donna Brundige, CFUW regional director for BC North, said the subject is very timely since a polygamy trial is going on in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver at this time.
The trial, involving the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is to look at Section 293 of the Criminal Code of Canada to determine the constitutionality of the polygamy provision, said Brundige.
"People in Bountiful, B.C., where polygamy is practiced, say their religion trumps the provision in the Criminal Code.
"The other side argues there is harm being done to women and children, and some men," said Brundige.
The trial is unique in that it is the first time witnesses have been called for a Supreme Court hearing.
Special guest speakers at the forum will be Alison Brewin of Vancouver and Barbara Barker of Smithers who are keenly knowledgeable about polygamy.
"Alison is a lawyer who has been highly involved in the trial," Brundige said.
Brewin has also been closely associated with West Coast LEAF (Legal Education and Action Fund), which works to ensure women's equal access in social, economic and political activities.
West Coast LEAF made opening statements at the trial arguing the polygamy provision is there to prevent exploitation of women and children, but the way polygamy is practiced in Canada is harmful to equality.
Since November, the court has heard both expert and first-person accounts outlining religious beliefs, implications of prohibiting polygamy, life in a polygamous community, and the effects of polygamy on Canadian society.
The forum is free to all with a donation plate available.