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Prince George author published in Chicken Soup for the Soul book

The piece is about her beloved pet's end of life.
Local author Linda Gabris has her short story called Mosby's Rainbow published in Chicken Soup for the Soul Lessons Learned from My Dog.

Local author Linda Gabris has her short story Mosby’s Rainbow published in Chicken Soup for the Soul Lessons Learned from My Dog.

The piece is about her beloved pet's end of life.

Gabris, who’s been a published writer most of her adult life, said this short story is her sixth story with Chicken Soup for the Soul publishers.

“Most of my writing is non-fiction and I’ve taught writing in Prince George for about 15 years,” Gabris said. “And sometimes I just like to write – like I used to teach in my class – writing is a sort of therapy. Mosby’s Rainbow is about a very sad day and it’s just a little memorial for my dog and then I felt like I could get on with healing.”

Her other Chicken Soup for the Soul stories include Dirty Harry, Big Red and A Perfect Exchange.

“If you publish a story with Chicken Soup for the Soul one time you are then put on their writers’ list so once you have a story in one of their books then you get notices for what they’re looking for,” Gabris explained. “I’ve been a writer all my life so I am always writing something.”

Gabris’ resume includes being a cooking columnist for British Columbia Outdoor Magazine for more than 20 years, feature article writer on topics like fishing, hunting, prospecting for gold, foraging, and outdoor sport and recreation.

Her articles are published in BC Outdoors, Ontario Outdoors, Michigan Out Doors, Lake Country Journal, Cottage Magazine, Vitality Magazine and numerous other publications across Canada and the US.

Gabris has a cookbook out right now called Cooking Wild and this spring her latest book called Foraging and Cooking Wild Foods in BC will be released.

Mosby's Rainbow used to make Gabris cry when she read it but as with all things time softens your perspective.

“Now it’s just nice to know that other people can read about Mosby and he can be remembered,” Gabris said.

As with other Chicken Soup for the Soul books about animals, royalties are donated to the American Humane Society.

For more information about the book visit