During tomorrow night’s meeting (April 11), city council will hear an update to the city’s off-leash strategy, which hopes to see the development of future dog parks.
The city adopted a Park Strategy in January 2017, which focused on potential scenarios and creative solutions to meet park services by repurposing underutilized or redundant parks to an alternative, higher priority uses as a goal – including off-leash areas.
This lead to park staff, In the spring of 2017, transforming the underutilized Glenview baseball field into the Prince George’s second dog park at Corporal Darren Fitzpatrick Bravery Park.
Other potential sites identified through the Park Strategy action plan for future dog park areas through this cost effective repurposing process include Malaspina, Ingledew and Heather Road parks.
The city says operational costs for dog parks consist mainly of waste removal and the supply of dog waste bags at a cost of approximately $15,000 annually.
The city has proposed capital works in 2021 for expanded off-leash areas in College Heights and the Millar Addition neighbourhoods, which have received Capital Expenditure funding of $25,000.
No significant increase to operational expenses anticipated from the additional off-leash areas repurposed from existing park space.
In its report to council, the city says that “off-leash areas build community and support social health and wellbeing through the creation of a connected and inclusive community”.
Prince George first introduced off-leash/under control pilot areas through the People, Pets and Parks program in 2002 but it wasn’t until 2011 that city developed its first dog park.
In April of 2011, Council passed the Duchess Park Plan paving the way for the development of a new community park that included the City’s first official off-leash dog park.
Then in July of 2013, after extensive community consultation with surrounding property owners and user groups, the “Pilot” designation was removed and both Ginter’s Meadow and Moore’s Meadow became official off-leash/under control areas.
You can check out the full agenda for Monday’s meeting online.