Do you love local history? Do you want to provide input on important civic issues? Do you love attending monthly meetings?
If you said yes to all of the above, then the City of Prince George has the perfect (volunteer) job for you!
The city needs more people to join the Heritage Commission, which is the group of people who are responsible for undertaking heritage education and awareness activities. They also report back to city council on matters related to heritage significance.
The commission is looking for people who have the time and interest needed to fully participate. Those interested should be able to commit to attending monthly meetings and be willing to actively participate in projects the commission undertakes throughout the year.
If you want to learn more about the Heritage Commission and what the group exactly does before you decide to apply, you can meet the current commission at the Prince George Public Library’s local history series.
As a part of the series, the library is hosting an event called Meet Your Local Heritage Commission on Thursday, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m.
You will learn about the Heritage Commission's work in Prince George, find out how to nominate a property for the Heritage Register and learn about historical buildings throughout the city.
Architect and local historian Trelle Morrow will also be on hand to discuss the nine entries to the heritage register that were accepted over the last three years and discuss the numerous sites with the potential to join the register.
The deadline to submit your application to join the Heritage Commission is Friday, Fed. 15 at 5 p.m.
All applications can be mailed or hand-delivered to City Hall or you can email your application to [email protected].
If you have access to a fax machine, you can also fax it to 250-561-0183.