The BC Coroners Service has released new data related to the ongoing drug crisis in Northern Health.
Prince George ranks among the cities with the highest rate of drug-toxicity deaths.
According to the service, 152 people died in the province from unregulated drug toxicity in January.
Of these deaths, 46 per cent occurred in private residences, 35 per cent took place in social and supportive housing or other private areas, and 18 per cent occurred outdoors.
People aged 40 to 59 accounted for 50 per cent of drug-toxicity deaths in the province.
Three deaths were reported among children and youth under the age of 18.
In local areas, the highest rates of drug-toxicity deaths last year were recorded in Prince George, Vancouver-Centre North, Lillooet, Greater Campbell River, anbd Terrace.
Fentanyl and its derivatives were the most commonly found substances in unregulated drug deaths in January. More than three-quarters of the deceased who underwent testing had fentanyl in their system.
The highest rates of deaths were reported in Vancouver Coastal Health, with 40 deaths per 100,000 people, and in Northern Health, with 32 per 100,000.
However, this report is preliminary and subject to change as additional toxicological results are received and investigations conclude.