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School employees targets of suspicious letters: Vanderhoof RCMP

In addition to non-toxic white powder, the envelopes contained threats about DEI guidelines
Canada Post

The suspicious letters that led to the temporary closure of the Vanderhoof Canada Post office on Feb. 28 contained threatening statements targeting specific employees at Evelyn Dickson Elementary School, RCMP say.

The envelopes flagged as suspicious were later found to contain a non-toxic white powder.

Vanderhoof RCMP reported Thursday, March 13, that the letters included a statement directed at the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion guidelines in B.C.’s Expect Respect and a Safe Education (ERASE) policy.

“While the substance was found to be non-toxic, the threats within the suspicious packages are being taken seriously,” said Cpl. Madonna Saunderson of the B.C. RCMP. “Specific employees being targeted for following a provincial policy that promotes a culture of inclusion and safety for all children is unconscionable.”

The letters may be linked to previous threats sent to teachers in November at Evelyn Dickson Elementary, RCMP said.

“These attacks must stop,” said Vanderhoof Mayor Kevin Moutray in a statement issued by his office. “The first one was one too many. The teachers and staff in our school district put in a tremendous effort every day to provide students with a quality education. It is saddening, disgusting, and disturbing to see them threatened for simply doing their job. No one should ever go to work, anywhere, worried about their own safety and security, or that of their families or colleagues. These actions are a black eye on Vanderhoof and have no place in any society. Vanderhoof is a friendly, welcoming, and inclusive community. We work hard, we work together, and we show up for our neighbours every day. We cannot and will not let the actions of a few people change the culture of our community. Kindness must triumph over hatred.”

The North District General Investigations Section is now leading the investigation and is seeking any information that could help identify a suspect.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Vanderhoof RCMP at 250-567-2222.