The public will have a chance to have their say to city council regarding a $90 million, six-storey, 114-unit seniors housing facility proposed at the southwest corner of Freeman Park.
New Essence Health Care Management Services Ltd. is seeking an Official Community Plan amendment and rezoning to facilitate the highrise development at 2940 14th Ave. City council approved the first two readings of the bylaws on Monday night, advancing the project to a public consultation and public hearing, before council will make their final decision on the rezoning and OCP amendment.
City administration recommended that council reject the project, because it doesn’t fit in with the character of the neighbourhood.
“I think it is a realistic ask of council for consideration,” Coun. Cori Ramsay said. “I don’t take any issue with it.”
Coun. Susan Scott said council should give the project a chance to move to the next step in the process, to “consider the needs of housing, not just for seniors, but seniors in the area of Alzheimer’s and dementia care.”
Coun. Tim Bennett said the neighbourhood in that area is already changing and residents will have a chance to express their thoughts on whether this project is a good fit.
Mayor Simon Yu said there is a definite need for the building, but he’s not sure if it is the right area. Yu voted in favour of the project moving ahead, saying “there is no harm in hearing more.”
Coun. Ron Polillo voted against the project moving ahead to public hearing.
“The scope is too large for this area,” Polillo said. “I don’t see it being close to any amenities. I have concerns about traffic… I can’t see how I can support this project in this area.”