Work has begun on switching 80 Hart Highlands homes over to the city's sewer system.
As of Monday, heavy equipment was breaking ground along the 2800 block of Wildwood Crescent. By the time it's all done, a sewer line will be in place along stretches of Killarney Drive, Sussex Lane, Sussex Place and Calvin Lane.
The work is scheduled to carry on for six months this year with remaining work to be completed in spring 2017.
In turn, homeowners will cover the cost of the $1.9-million project through a local area service levy that will add up $24,300 plus interest per lot and paid out over 20 years. The homeowners must also cover the cost of hooking up to the line from their properties.
Most of the homes were built in the 1970s and have relied on private septic systems, according to project manager Hayley Sedola.
Residents petitioned the city last year for the project. The neighbourhood had also lobbied the city to apply for a grant from the federal and provincial governments, but city council ultimately decided to submit an application for an anti-erosion project along the Fraser River benchland instead.
The area's water system will also be upgraded and the roads repaved, raising the total tab to just over $4 million. However, the additional cost of that work will be borne by the city.
Sections will be closed to through-traffic for as much as two weeks and the #91 and #96 buses will run on detoured routes.
The work will generally occur from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays although there may be some after-hours and weekend work.
Water service may also be interrupted from time to time and for up to eight hours. Written notice will be provided 48 hours in advance, according to city hall.
Two other Hart Highland areas have been put on the city's system in recent years. Once this project is completed, the number of homes relying on septic systems in the neighbourhood will be reduced to about 100.