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Skakun trial begins tomorrow

The trial centred on Prince George city councillor Brian Skakun is set to begin Tuesday. The allegation is that Skakun broke a provincial legal statute by disclosing to the public confidential information he was privy to as a councillor.

The trial centred on Prince George city councillor Brian Skakun is set to begin Tuesday.

The allegation is that Skakun broke a provincial legal statute by disclosing to the public confidential information he was privy to as a councillor.

"I am so looking forward to getting into the courtroom, to tell people what all happened," he told The Citizen on Sunday evening.

Skakun's court case will be heard over two separate weeks, starting Oct. 26 when the Crown will make its submissions. Counsel for Skakun will present its side during the week of Dec. 7.

More than 20 witnesses are expected to take the stand and a judge from outside Prince George will hear the case to avoid the possibility of a conflict of interest. Among those witnesses will be at least one city councillor from that period, who The Citizen has confirmed to be subpoenaed for the trial.

According to the court document charging Skakun, the offense occurred "on or about the 18th day of August, 2008" and was a contravention of Section 30.4 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

It reads: 30.4 An employee, officer or director of a public body or an employee or associate of a service provider who has access, whether authorized or unauthorized, to personal information in the custody or control of a public body, must not disclose that information except as authorized under this Act.

When asked how many witnesses his side would be calling, he responded, "It is not final yet."

He did not wish to discuss the contents of his defense, but urged those interested to come observe.

"One concern I do have is that we are scheduled for Courtroom 102 and that is a very small room," Skakun said.