As temperatures warm up in Prince George, police are urging drivers to stay cautious on the roads due to icy conditions that remain in place.
"So far (Friday) morning, we've already responded to more traffic accidents than we did when it was snowing earlier in the week, and that’s just this morning," said Cpl. Jennifer Cooper, media relations officer for the Prince George RCMP. "This speaks to how much more challenging today’s driving conditions are, even though the weather has warmed up."
After weeks of a deep freeze, the temperature rose has risen above zero, with rain turning frozen streets into ice rinks.
Police are offering some key reminders for safe driving in slippery conditions:
- Slow down. Speed limits are set for ideal conditions, so don't expect to maintain your usual speeds
- Increase your following distance to give yourself more time to react in case you need to stop or make an emergency maneouver
- Accelerate and brake slowly. When stopping, plan ahead and apply the brakes gently and gradually
Sidewalks in the city are also particularly icy and wet, posing a risk to pedestrians.