If you see smoke near Prince George starting now and into May, don't be alarmed.
Today (April 19), the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) is beginning to conduct a prescribed burn roughly 10 km south of the city in its continued efforts to reduce the risk of wildfires.
The site is the Prince George Tree Improvement Centre and the provincial service explains the project will also improve the quality of its planting areas as it prepares for, what's known as, silviculture objectives.
From now until May 7, weather dependent, the burn is set to cover 18 hectares of land in which crews will remain on-site to monitor the flames.
Smoke, as a result, may be visible to local residents living in College Heights, those roaming near Domano Forest Service Road and other surrounding areas.
The BCWS says all burning activities will adhere to the province's Open Burning and Smoke Control Regulation 'to limit the impact on air quality in nearby communities.'
Across the Prince George Fire Centre, there are three small wildfires that brewed on the weekend in the city's proximity with the biggest being just 0.60 hectares by Willow River; all three have unknown causes and are being taken care of by BCWS crews.
The largest blaze in 2021 thus far in the region was doused recently as the Farrell Creek Junction wildfire near Hudson's Hope grew to 4.5 hectares and was human-caused after a campfire caught wind.
You're encouraged to report all wildfires and open-burning violations by reaching out to the BCWS toll-free at 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cellphone.
For more information on wildfire activity you can visit the BCWS' website.