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Snow removal continues as the weather warms up

Meanwhile, the city has updated its list of current and pending street closures

City crews are still hard at work managing the winter's snowfall, even as the sun shines and roads clear up.

Even Wednesday's morning snowfall was gone by mid-afternoon.

Once the majority of roadside snow is moved to the city's snow dump at 15th Avenue and Foothills Boulevard, other crews can begin the annual task of street cleaning.

Drivers should keep an eye out for city vehicles and crews at work.

Meanwhile, the city has updated its list of current and pending street closures.

Fairmont Crescent at Gladstone Drive

  • Will be closed Thursday, March 6, from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a water service repair.
  • Emergency vehicles will not have access.

5th Avenue between Irwin Street and Johnson Street

  • Will experience traffic disruptions Thursday, March 6, until Friday, March 7, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for the placement of fibre for Rogers Communications.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access.

Foothills Boulevard between Chief Lake Road and North Nechako Road

  • Will experience traffic disruptions Monday, March 24, until Friday, April 4, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for maintenance to Telus poles.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access.

1215 Lethbridge St.

  • Will be closed until Oct. 31, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. to facilitate water, storm and sewer tie-ins, backfilling and paving of the road.
  • Detours will be required.
  • Emergency vehicles wil not have access.

Lethbridge Street (south end to north end)

  • Pedestrian traffic and parking will be closed for the construction of the new parkade, from Friday, June 14, 2024, to May 2025. Pedestrian rerouting will take place.
  • Traffic will not be affected.

Quebec Street between Sixth Avenue and 7th Avenue

  • The Sixth Avenue sidewalk between Quebec Street and Dominion Street remains incomplete and closed.