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Still time to contribute art work for PGSO concert

Do you have some photography or artwork that would be worth becoming part of the Prince George Symphony Orchestra's next concert? There's still time to make a contribution -- the deadline for such work, which will be used in a slideshow to accompany

Do you have some photography or artwork that would be worth becoming part of the Prince George Symphony Orchestra's next concert?

There's still time to make a contribution -- the deadline for such work, which will be used in a slideshow to accompany the PGSO's performance of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition has been extended to Wed. Feb. 3, 5 p.m.

Although meant primarily to showcase the work of the city's youth, it's open to children of all ages, said Elizabeth Aman-Hume.

"The PGSO theme this season is 'Close to Home' and we would like to see 'home' through the eyes of Prince George's youth," Aman-Hume said. "As part of Prince George SnowDaze Winter Festival and in celebration of our northern winter, there will be a special snow category - so get out your cameras or paints!"

Selected entries will be presented on screen during the concert or exhibited in the lobby during the concert on Sun., Feb. 7 at Vanier Hall, 3 p.m. start.

They can be e-mailed to [email protected], mailed to Prince George Symphony Orchestra

2880 15th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2M 1T1 or dropped off at the PGSO office.