Do you have some photography or artwork that would be worth becoming part of the Prince George Symphony Orchestra's next concert?
There's still time to make a contribution -- the deadline for such work, which will be used in a slideshow to accompany the PGSO's performance of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition has been extended to Wed. Feb. 3, 5 p.m.
Although meant primarily to showcase the work of the city's youth, it's open to children of all ages, said Elizabeth Aman-Hume.
"The PGSO theme this season is 'Close to Home' and we would like to see 'home' through the eyes of Prince George's youth," Aman-Hume said. "As part of Prince George SnowDaze Winter Festival and in celebration of our northern winter, there will be a special snow category - so get out your cameras or paints!"
Selected entries will be presented on screen during the concert or exhibited in the lobby during the concert on Sun., Feb. 7 at Vanier Hall, 3 p.m. start.
They can be e-mailed to [email protected], mailed to Prince George Symphony Orchestra
2880 15th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2M 1T1 or dropped off at the PGSO office.