As the snow continues to melt, city road crews will soon turn their attention to street sweeping and cleaning.
Each winter the city lays down upwards of 20,000 tonnes of traction material like sand to keep the roads safe and each spring street cleaning equipment picks most of it back up.
"Our sweeping operations could begin as early as next week, depending on the weather and other factors," city supervisor of streets operations Mick Jones said in a news release. "As we transition out of winter, and when temperatures permit, full sweeping operations will be running 24 hours per day, Monday to Friday."
Work will start with the downtown streets and sidewalks and then move to arterial and collector roads followed by residential streets.
Much of the material will be removed with a loader and backhoe with brooms, but mechanical sweepers, water flushing and air sweepers will also be deployed as part of the season clean up operations.