Despite the upgrades to conventional buses including easier access for mobility devices, the Prince George taxi saver program is still a popular alternative.
The program has been available for at least the last 10 years, where the city offers 50 per cent discounts off taxi rides for those who are HandyDART clients.
"In Prince George, there are around 3,000 people registered and there is a growing segment of seniors who are using mobility devices," said Cathy Hickman, executive director of the Carefree Society.
The organization is responsible for running both HandyDART and the community bus service in Prince George, which runs buses along routes that don't have a high volume of passengers.
"The HandyDART system is part of the transit system that's offered in town. It's considered a family of transportation services, which includes the city bus, the custom bus [HandyDART], and the taxi saver program," said Hickman.
On average, HandyDART transports 200 people a day. To qualify for the service, the user must have a disability, either physical or mental.
"There are all sorts of reasons why people aren't able to use the city bus but the main criteria we look at is it has to be due to a disability of some sort," said Hickman.
"The taxi saver program is very popular. It's not a program to go and get coupons for taxis. It's a supplement to provide service for the HandyDART service, if there is a conflict in the scheduling, the taxi saver kicks in," said Mike Davis, Manager, Communications and Citizen Engagement for the city of Prince George.
Using HandyDART does have its advantages over the taxi saver program, "we got o your door and assist you to the bus," said Hickman.
The development of the Gateway Retirement Community and another centre under construction on the Hart highway, services for seniors are more in demand than ever before.
The taxi saver program and HandyDART are both available to people who have temporary disabilities as well.
Prince George Taxi and Emerald Taxi are the companies that redeem the coupons.
To learn how to register call 250-562-1394.