Imagine feeling sandpaper scraping across your eyes every time you blink.
That's what rescue cat Ron Weasley was living with when he was homeless, before Critteraid Sanctuary stepped in.
He had ectropian syndrome, a condition in which eyelids turn outward. Ron's eyelashes were scraping his eyeballs every time he blinked when Critteraid found him roaming the streets in Penticton.
They gave him a home and were grateful for donated veterinary services to get Ron's eye problems fixed, and they could not believe the difference it has made to his personality.
"His behaviour has really shown us how much pain he must have been in. He's like a whole different cat," said animal director Jess Byer. Ron used to have quite a notorious attitude, but he has now taken to purring and snuggling.
Ron has had stitches on his eyelids, and has been recovering in his own special room complete with a small TV and DVD player. Critteraid volunteers have been by his side for cuddles and support.
"That's the great thing about our sanctuary, is that we can provide one-on-one care for cats like Ron who otherwise would be out on the street, quite upset at the world," Byer explained.
-Chelsea Powrie, Castanet