On May 31, 1954, the Citizen featured two sisters who were serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force in Quebec. Here’s the story (noting that some of the language used is dated):
Prince George Girls Have Exciting Air Force Career
Over 45,000 RCAF personnel serving across Canada and in foreign countries will make the annual change from blue winter dress to light khaki summer dress on June 1.
Two sisters, members of the RCAF’s Air Transport Command based at Lachine, P.Q., symbolize the change by posing together in the two uniforms. On the left, Leading Air Woman Shirley Carter, 22, and on her right, Corporal Barbara Carter, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Carter of 1850 10th Avenue, Prince George.
The sisters joined the RCAF together in April 1953 but parted company after Manning Depot training at St. John’s, P.Q. They reunited several months later when they took trade training at Station Aylmer, Ontario.
On completion of the clerk stenographer course at Aylmer, the sisters again parted, Shirley going to Station St. Hubert, P.Q., home of Air Defence Command Headquarters and screaming jet fighters, while Barbara was posted to 426 transport squadron, Dorval, some 20 miles away.
Recently, Shirley rejoined her sister when she transferred to Air Transport Command Headquarters and now both girls live at Station Lachine. Shirley has been working as personal secretary to the Air Officer Commanding while Barbara works in the orderly room of the squadron checking records and statistics on the famous Korean airlift flown by her squadron.
Since joining the Air Force both girls had an opportunity of travelling, recently they spent over 12 days in New York and Florida and last year were able to fly home to Prince George for Christmas leave.
On May 23, Barbara celebrated her 21st birthday and the women members of the RCAF at Lachine held an informal party to honour the occasion. Usually inseparable, the sisters will shortly part company via the marriage route. Barbara is engaged to be married and will leave the service.