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Trip to tiny Timor

A group of members, including couples from Prince George, are travelling to East Timor as part of a 12-member delegation from the B.C. & Yukon Diocese of Development and Peace.

A group of members, including couples from Prince George, are travelling to East Timor as part of a 12-member delegation from the B.C. & Yukon Diocese of Development and Peace.

"It's high profile event since it will be the first visit from Canada," said Dick Mynen, who's on the trip with wife Dorothy.

During the 18-day trip, members will meet with Development and Peace organizations which have supported East Timor since it sought independence in 1999, and played a significant role with the United Nations in the gaining of its independence.

D & P organizations supported programs from capacity building, human rights promotion and strengthening civil society organizations.

"The group's aim during the visit is to dialogue and be in solidarity with the local people working for social justice, while gaining a better understanding of the local situation," said Mynen, explaining East Timor is the world's newest country following 425 years as a Portugal colony and 25 more years under Indonesian occupation and rule.

"The path to Independence has taken a severe toll on the people of this tiny nation of 900,000 . . . (the rest is in The Citizen) [email protected]

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